Every time I spend an extended amount of time away from this blog, I come back with the intention, and enthusiasm that I'm going to keep it going. With some decent content that is worth returning back for. And each time, I flake out for whatever reason. So, let's give it another shot, and hopefully I can keep it up, at least some halfway decent updates...
For a while I was updating with my "songs of the week." I have such an varied and unusual taste in music that I like to share the things that I'm into and I invite users to offer me something new to listen to. Let's start doing that again. With Christmas looming right around the corner and enough musical holiday cheer to make any sane person reevaluate their life, it may be nice to get a glimpse of some non-christmasy music for the ears. (however, I do love Christmas music, and we'll talk more about that come December. Let's enjoy some turkey first...) So, with all the "legal" mumbojumbo out the way, let's hit you with my songs of the week! Commentary when appropriate...
Garth Brooks -
People Loving People A new Garth song! He's playing in town this weekend, and unfortunately I can't go. With that being said, go listen to it. It's a great song, and a great message. (Unfortunately, it's not the entire song either. It cuts off at abou the 2:45 mark. If you enjoy it, keep you ear tuned in to local radio stations and see if you can catch it. Or better yet, make the call and request it!)
The Allman Brothers Band -
Jessica Normally, this song wouldn't be here. It's a great song, don't get me wrong, and I love hearing it (and occasionally guitar heroing it). However, it's not everyday that you hear this song four times in one day without trying. But, that happened to me. While running errands last Saturday, I managed to hear this song four times on local radio in less than a 12 hour stretch. That's quite the accomlishment!
Logic -
Soul Food Home Free -
All About That Bass Kendrick Lamar -
I Holiday Song of the Week! Bobby Boris Pickett -
Monster Mash GEM OF THE WEEK! Boots Randolph -
Yakety Sax (featuring Chet Atkins and Ray Stevens) (Live) Yeah, I'm a huge fan of this song. I'm a huge fan of Ray Stevens. And this is awesome. But that's just one man's opinion.
There you have it folks. Feel free to click and watch. They should open in a new window! Leave a comment here, facebook or on twitter @clubbprez and let me know what you are listening to. I'd love to hear it!
Currently Playing: boots randolph/yakety sax(featuring chet atkins and ray stevens)