Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The "Masses" Have Spoken

  Well, it was an overwhelming response. But at least two of you out there are interested in ways to save, or make, a little extra cash here and there using your phone or computer. That's awesome.
  So here's the deal. I'll be sharing one way a day (app or online) to either stretch your dollar or earn a little more on the side. I'll try to follow this general outline: name of app, necessary equipment, my experience, how to maximize profit, is it in anyway profitable. When it's all said and done, I'll share the spreadsheet I've been using so you can see kind of where I am to date. Keep in mind that everything I've earned isn't necessarily on the spreadsheet. I have a pretty strict rule about not adding to the spreadsheet until I actually have money in hand (transferred to my paypal account, check cleared, etc.).
  Let's prepare you a little for the things that you are going to need. I'm going to start with something as simple as a computer, so that will give you a little bit of time to play catch up if you need to.

  • An email address: Each of these require you to "register" in some way, shape, or form. Typically I have received very little in the way of "spam." But if you are uneasy, feel free to make a new email just for this.
  • A smartphone: It's not 100% necessary, but most of the opportunities come in the form of apps designed for smartphones. Also, ALL of my experience is with Android devices. If you have questions about iDevices, I'll certainly do my best to research and help.
  • PayPal: A good portion of the apps have multiple payout options, but PayPal is a common one. If you want "cash" you'll need a PayPal account, and it certainly isn't that hard to get one. If you are interested, and you need a PayPal account, click HERE.
  • Patience: I'm not here to make you an overnight millionaire. I'm simply giving you opportunities to make an extra little bit here and there. I currently have over 310 dollars in my paypal account, and that was all pure patience. Keep digging, and who knows what you can accomplish.

  So that's about it. I'll start tomorrow with something extremely simple and extremely easy (if you haven't completely shunned Wal-Mart yet).

      Currently Playing: home free/any way the wind blows

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