There is a lot I want to say about 2011. There is a lot that I also want unsaid about 2011. The good thing about things unsaid, is that you don't have to worry about taking them back once someone becomes offended. It may weigh heavy on your heart and soul, but at least you have the consideration not bash the world in with your words.
Anyone who knows me, or speaks to me, knows that this has been THE ROUGHEST year in my relatively short existence. We plug along. We keep moving. Tomorrow is a new day, and you never know what that day has in store for you. For everyone who's played a part in this year, big or small, frustrating or uplifting, I want to say thank you. We never quite know the plan in store, and if it weren't for those playing supporting roles in our life, we could never truly get to where we are today.
I hope everyone has a wonderful end to the 2011 year, and may 2012 bring you all the joy you could possibly handle (until December 21st when we all die in a blaze of glory, or something like that).
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
My First WVa Adventure
So I took my first West Virginia adventure on this trip today after work. I took myself down to Charleston to do a little shopping for myself. Unfortunately a little shopping quickly turned into close to a hundred and twenty dollar shopping trip, but most of it was clothes and I needed them.
I was impressed with the short distance between here and Charleston. I took me about ten minutes of freeway driving to get there. Of course, when the speed limit is 70 you can get anywhere pretty quick and still be legal about it.
Walmart was first on my list of places to stop. I wanted to look for some more button ups for work and some washing detergent for the hotel room. I ended up with two shirts for work, three shirts not for work (discounted, of course: yay holiday season), and an extra pair of pants. And the detergent, dryer sheets, and some stuff for work. I will be going back soon I think, after I get paid. I need some Christmasy stuff for my room.
Next on my list, and surprisingly close to the wally world was GameStop. I needed something to help play my XBOX360 in the hotel room. A thirteen dollar component cable it is. Still not sure what I'm going to do with it when I leave, hopefully one of my TVs at home will take it.
And last (and the main reason for me going out tonight, aside from the laundry detergent) but certainly not least was Five Guys Burgers and Fries. I miss this place. I haven't ate at a Five Guys in an extremely long time. I haven't seen one since the last time I was in Lynchburg. So when I heard that there was one relatively close by, I couldn't resist. And to my great surprise, it was close to the Walmart and GameStop. No getting lost for me! And the food was sooo good!
A quick hop and a skip back to the hotel room to wash cloth...well maybe I'll check in on the gam...ZZZZZZz! Yeah. I passed out. Of course, I was pretty tired. I woke up just long enough to catch myself up here, and I'll be hitting the hay again for a couple more hours. Heh.
Currently Playing: Ki:Theory - Over Now
I was impressed with the short distance between here and Charleston. I took me about ten minutes of freeway driving to get there. Of course, when the speed limit is 70 you can get anywhere pretty quick and still be legal about it.
Walmart was first on my list of places to stop. I wanted to look for some more button ups for work and some washing detergent for the hotel room. I ended up with two shirts for work, three shirts not for work (discounted, of course: yay holiday season), and an extra pair of pants. And the detergent, dryer sheets, and some stuff for work. I will be going back soon I think, after I get paid. I need some Christmasy stuff for my room.
Next on my list, and surprisingly close to the wally world was GameStop. I needed something to help play my XBOX360 in the hotel room. A thirteen dollar component cable it is. Still not sure what I'm going to do with it when I leave, hopefully one of my TVs at home will take it.
And last (and the main reason for me going out tonight, aside from the laundry detergent) but certainly not least was Five Guys Burgers and Fries. I miss this place. I haven't ate at a Five Guys in an extremely long time. I haven't seen one since the last time I was in Lynchburg. So when I heard that there was one relatively close by, I couldn't resist. And to my great surprise, it was close to the Walmart and GameStop. No getting lost for me! And the food was sooo good!
A quick hop and a skip back to the hotel room to wash cloth...well maybe I'll check in on the gam...ZZZZZZz! Yeah. I passed out. Of course, I was pretty tired. I woke up just long enough to catch myself up here, and I'll be hitting the hay again for a couple more hours. Heh.
Currently Playing: Ki:Theory - Over Now
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Britain's First Birthday Party
It's been a busy week, but I finally got my pictures from Britain's birthday party up. Feel free to watch and enjoy! We had so much fun!
Currently Watching: Man vs Food Nation
Currently Watching: Man vs Food Nation
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Busy Couple of Months
Not really for general public, but if you are interested in what's going on in my life, feel free to peer in and comment when necessary ;)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
So, Halloween is over, and now here's comes my favorite time of the year. The next two months is by far, in my eyes at least, the best two months of the year. Great football, (normally great basketball), end of the NASCAR season, more food than you know what to do with, and above all else friends and family. Unfortunately, this year is going to be extremely different for me. First and foremost I am in a whole new town. Aside from L.I.Am, Pebbles, and Dlo, there is no family. But, they are the most important family. I haven't really had the opportunity to make too many new friends, so to speak. Plenty of work acquaintenances, but not friends. That for a number of a reasons, none of which I'm ready to divulge quite yet. I enjoy their company at work, but ... yeah :)
So, here I am looking and hoping for a Christmas miracle. Sure, it's only November 2nd, but before you know it there will be turkeys being cooked, and stockings stuffed, and Santas visiting, and Boxing Day (Canada..., darn you...), and New Years, and I just don't want to miss any of it for anything...and I'm afraid I will...
My son and I have been watching Christmas specials since last Christams (A Muppets Family Christmas, Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas, Prep and Landing, etc.) and I'm super excited. I just don't wanna miss out...
With that being said, I refuse to be left behind on music...
Currently Playing: Dionne Warwick - It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
So, here I am looking and hoping for a Christmas miracle. Sure, it's only November 2nd, but before you know it there will be turkeys being cooked, and stockings stuffed, and Santas visiting, and Boxing Day (Canada..., darn you...), and New Years, and I just don't want to miss any of it for anything...and I'm afraid I will...
My son and I have been watching Christmas specials since last Christams (A Muppets Family Christmas, Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas, Prep and Landing, etc.) and I'm super excited. I just don't wanna miss out...
With that being said, I refuse to be left behind on music...
Currently Playing: Dionne Warwick - It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
So I'm falling behind, Halloween 2011
I hear you out there. Monroe, you are falling behind on your blogging. It happens. Kids, jobs, sickness, and an overall disdain toward computers for the most part will do that to you. However, I had to get this pictures up of the kids from Halloween. I wish I had more, but unfortunately I was only armed with the camera on my phone, which was quickly dying...
And if you had to ask, Pebbles is the adorable one in a custom tailored Pebbles outfit, bone and all (thank you Dlo) and L.I.Am is sporting his brand new authentic army fatigues, complete with embroidered last name and all (thank you KingK!). I hope you enjoy all 5 (FIVE???!!!) pictures!
Currently Playing: blink-182 - After Midnight
And if you had to ask, Pebbles is the adorable one in a custom tailored Pebbles outfit, bone and all (thank you Dlo) and L.I.Am is sporting his brand new authentic army fatigues, complete with embroidered last name and all (thank you KingK!). I hope you enjoy all 5 (FIVE???!!!) pictures!
Currently Playing: blink-182 - After Midnight
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Songs of the Week: from a while back through September 21, 2011
I know I haven't done this in a while. I have so been slacking. But here you are, a long awaited entry into my "Songs of the Week."
Paddy and the Rats - Drunken Sailor
Darby O'Gill - The Rattlin' Bog
Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts (featuring Adam Levine)
A-Ha - Take On Me
Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight
Queen - Bicycle Race
Living Colour - Cult of Personality
Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There
Whitesnake - Here I Go Again
'Weird Al' Yankovic - Angry White Boy Polka
What a mix of randomness there. Tell me what you have been listening to. Feel free to leave a response here, google, facebook, twitter @clubbprez, anywhere. Tune me into some new music a get a free mention right here in next week's edition of Songs of the Week.
Currently Playing: Lupe Fiasco - I Don't Wanna Care Right Now
Paddy and the Rats - Drunken Sailor
Darby O'Gill - The Rattlin' Bog
Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts (featuring Adam Levine)
A-Ha - Take On Me
Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight
Queen - Bicycle Race
Living Colour - Cult of Personality
Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There
Whitesnake - Here I Go Again
'Weird Al' Yankovic - Angry White Boy Polka
What a mix of randomness there. Tell me what you have been listening to. Feel free to leave a response here, google, facebook, twitter @clubbprez, anywhere. Tune me into some new music a get a free mention right here in next week's edition of Songs of the Week.
Currently Playing: Lupe Fiasco - I Don't Wanna Care Right Now
Dreary Start to a Wednesday
But with that being said, let's go ahead and recap yesterday before we get fully into today...
Tuesday began a lot like Monday, relatively uneventful. The only difference is that Dlo was running late for work so I took the kids to day care and went to get them. On the way home, I heard about a hospital in the neighboring county having a Family Night. I was pretty excited, considering, so when Dlo got home we jumped in the care and went. Begin: Misadventure.
We came up on something that looked like a carnival. We didn't exactly where this family night we were heading to was at, so we decided that the carnival looking thing that's close to the hospital was probably it. Boy were we ever wrong. Mistake 1 - This was one of the sketchiest little carnivals I had ever seen in my life. We decided to try to make the best of it, however, and get Liam to ride a ride. We paid for a couple tickets and put him on the kid ride that just goes around. Mistake 2 - Liam cried his little eyes out. It was so sad. We ended up stopping the ride just to get him off. From this point we made a fast getaway from the sketchy carnival and decided to grab a bite to eat...
We decided that since we were here anyways, and we never go this far out of town, we decided to eat a small little placed called Pine Mountain Grill. They had different food, but overall I was not impressed. We ordered an appetizer of fried green tomatoes, and that was probably the tastiest thing I had all night. I have been craving pulled bbq, so I decided to go with the bbq sandwich as my meal. I guess I was just disappointed with the portion size to price. For eight bucks I probably should have gotten twice what I got. At least I got plenty of exercise chasing Liam through the restaurant...Mistake 3...
After striking out in Whitesburg we made the trip home. Dlo decided to take a short trip through Vicco to show me what little is there. Thanks ... I think ... We made it home in time to catch some Tuesday premiers...
So my thoughts on the few shows I watched last night, starting with NCIS: didn't watch it. NCIS: Los Angeles: only caught the tail end of it. However, I do enjoy watching both these shows, I never really watch them when they are on television. So ... take it for what it is. So on to one of the most anticipated (if not the most anticipated) new drama on CBS - Unforgettable. Honestly, it moved way too slow for me to keep into it. I wanted to watch it, I want to like it. I just, it was ok. So - so. I don't think it has the staying power to get into season 2 unless something extremely dramatic happens fast to push the show toward something a little more interesting. I'd have to watch it again, but once again...just so-so.
Now, over to FOX. I missed everything on FOX, so I had to catch up. The series premier of that one show that you have been seeing previews for for a couple weeks? New Girl. We'll start there. Cute. Ditzy. Fun at times. Overall...again, unless something changes I feel it's just a one season show, if that. FOX, moreso than other networks, tend to show leniency in allowing a season to run it's path before taking it off the air. We may get a chance to finish it, but I wouldn't hold my breath for a season 2. I haven't got around to seeing the premier of Raising Hope. It was one of those shows that looked great last year and I never watched. So I figured I'd try again this year, and I've failed miserably. Songs of the Week coming at you next!
Currently Playing: Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts (featuring Adam Levine)
Tuesday began a lot like Monday, relatively uneventful. The only difference is that Dlo was running late for work so I took the kids to day care and went to get them. On the way home, I heard about a hospital in the neighboring county having a Family Night. I was pretty excited, considering, so when Dlo got home we jumped in the care and went. Begin: Misadventure.
We came up on something that looked like a carnival. We didn't exactly where this family night we were heading to was at, so we decided that the carnival looking thing that's close to the hospital was probably it. Boy were we ever wrong. Mistake 1 - This was one of the sketchiest little carnivals I had ever seen in my life. We decided to try to make the best of it, however, and get Liam to ride a ride. We paid for a couple tickets and put him on the kid ride that just goes around. Mistake 2 - Liam cried his little eyes out. It was so sad. We ended up stopping the ride just to get him off. From this point we made a fast getaway from the sketchy carnival and decided to grab a bite to eat...
We decided that since we were here anyways, and we never go this far out of town, we decided to eat a small little placed called Pine Mountain Grill. They had different food, but overall I was not impressed. We ordered an appetizer of fried green tomatoes, and that was probably the tastiest thing I had all night. I have been craving pulled bbq, so I decided to go with the bbq sandwich as my meal. I guess I was just disappointed with the portion size to price. For eight bucks I probably should have gotten twice what I got. At least I got plenty of exercise chasing Liam through the restaurant...Mistake 3...
After striking out in Whitesburg we made the trip home. Dlo decided to take a short trip through Vicco to show me what little is there. Thanks ... I think ... We made it home in time to catch some Tuesday premiers...
So my thoughts on the few shows I watched last night, starting with NCIS: didn't watch it. NCIS: Los Angeles: only caught the tail end of it. However, I do enjoy watching both these shows, I never really watch them when they are on television. So ... take it for what it is. So on to one of the most anticipated (if not the most anticipated) new drama on CBS - Unforgettable. Honestly, it moved way too slow for me to keep into it. I wanted to watch it, I want to like it. I just, it was ok. So - so. I don't think it has the staying power to get into season 2 unless something extremely dramatic happens fast to push the show toward something a little more interesting. I'd have to watch it again, but once again...just so-so.
Now, over to FOX. I missed everything on FOX, so I had to catch up. The series premier of that one show that you have been seeing previews for for a couple weeks? New Girl. We'll start there. Cute. Ditzy. Fun at times. Overall...again, unless something changes I feel it's just a one season show, if that. FOX, moreso than other networks, tend to show leniency in allowing a season to run it's path before taking it off the air. We may get a chance to finish it, but I wouldn't hold my breath for a season 2. I haven't got around to seeing the premier of Raising Hope. It was one of those shows that looked great last year and I never watched. So I figured I'd try again this year, and I've failed miserably. Songs of the Week coming at you next!
Currently Playing: Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts (featuring Adam Levine)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Premier Monday
You know, for a Monday where I did absolutely nothing, it seems like a long day...
First things first, I hopped on over to the bee's early this morning to get my car and check my schedule. I anticipated having to come back in today around 11:30 or 12:00, but I was sadly mistaken. I don't work again until Noon on Wednesday. A big part of me was happy though. I was (still kinda am) relatively tired from last week plus the weekend. My body really felt it. After a relatively long conversation with the folks, I ended up laying down and sleeping until 4:45. So disappointed because I wanted to watch the race, but I missed out. Oh well. From the reports it turned into a gas mileage race anyways. Props to the 14 team for the win and the 88 team for a third place finish. Enough about that...
Kids? Well, the kids have been ... kids :). About the coolest thing that has happened today is Liam saying "jug band." He was watching Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas and as the scene where the little band finishes up practicing "Bar-B-Que" he looks at me, points to the screen and goes "jug band daddy." Yep, jug band. Kid is amazing. As for Britain, she has learned that standing up in her crib is the most amazing thing in the world, and she absolutely loves doing it. She loves crawling around in her bed, but she absolutely loves standing up.
So did you catch any of the premiers tonight? I stayed on CBS for the premiers, mainly because I'm lazy and I'm not really sure what else premiered tonight, but I do know I missed the season finale of Hell's Kitchen. So let's get started with my thoughts, because I'm sure you are dying to know...
First up was a double dose of How I Met Your Mother. I like HIMYM for the most part. It's one of the funnier shows on television, and has been son for the better part of the last decade. Not sure If I completely approve of the direction this season is taking so far, Veronica that is. However, everything else was absolutely amazing and hilarious. I've never had the opportunity to watch this show straight through for a season, but I have a caught most of them at some point or another. I'm looking forward to hopefully enjoying this season all the way through, if not on the night it premiers at least not too long later.
Next up was Two and a Half Men. I'll be honest: I have never been that much of a 2.5 Men fan. I would watch it if it were on, and nothing else caught my attention. It's even been humorous at times. But I have never been a full fledged let's watch fan. The only reason I really watched was the fact that I got caught up in the media sweep of "what happened to Charlie" and "how did Ashton's character get introduced?" Well, those questions have been answered. And it was pretty humorous. However, I'm not sure if this is something that I will watch every Monday. ... Time will tell.
And since I'm already on CBS, why not watch 2 Broke Girls. So I did. Kat Dennings? Yes please. Other girl? Not so much, more Kat Dennings please. This show was smart at times, funny at times, and had me .... yeah. I liked the show, but I'm not sure if it's because I like looking at Kat or I liked the humor. Time will tell on this one as well. I will probably watch it next week given it's (hopefully regular) time slot of 8:30, right after HIMYM.
And like I said earlier, I missed the season finale of Hell's Kitchen, so I decided to do a quick google search. This years winner? Spoiler Alert: Paul. Unexpected in a way, but he seemed like a good fix. No one in their right mind thought Elise might actually win. Gordon Ramsey knows food and he knows good television. Elise was good television. She could cook, but she could not manage people to save her life. And quite honestly, neither could Tommy. He just wasn't ... mature enough. That left the only two choices, realistically, as Will and Paul. I was pulling for Will from day one, even before I saw him on an episode of Chopped. However, one thing I notice about Will, he will put up with so much BS before he can't take anymore. Paul was more of a kiss up. Was it the reason he won? I don't know, I didn't watch the episode, but I'm sure it didn't hurt.
I missed Hawaii Five-O and probably some other stuff. It looks like I'm gonna have to start looking for some torrents to get caught up...
Arrr, an' just in case ye didn't know, today were International Talk Like A Pirate Day. I hope ye had yer fun a'talkin' like a pirate. If'n ya didn't, make up fer it by a talkin' like pirates tomorrow and keep the date in mind fer next year!
Currently Playing: The Folk Den - Drunken Sailor
First things first, I hopped on over to the bee's early this morning to get my car and check my schedule. I anticipated having to come back in today around 11:30 or 12:00, but I was sadly mistaken. I don't work again until Noon on Wednesday. A big part of me was happy though. I was (still kinda am) relatively tired from last week plus the weekend. My body really felt it. After a relatively long conversation with the folks, I ended up laying down and sleeping until 4:45. So disappointed because I wanted to watch the race, but I missed out. Oh well. From the reports it turned into a gas mileage race anyways. Props to the 14 team for the win and the 88 team for a third place finish. Enough about that...
Kids? Well, the kids have been ... kids :). About the coolest thing that has happened today is Liam saying "jug band." He was watching Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas and as the scene where the little band finishes up practicing "Bar-B-Que" he looks at me, points to the screen and goes "jug band daddy." Yep, jug band. Kid is amazing. As for Britain, she has learned that standing up in her crib is the most amazing thing in the world, and she absolutely loves doing it. She loves crawling around in her bed, but she absolutely loves standing up.
So did you catch any of the premiers tonight? I stayed on CBS for the premiers, mainly because I'm lazy and I'm not really sure what else premiered tonight, but I do know I missed the season finale of Hell's Kitchen. So let's get started with my thoughts, because I'm sure you are dying to know...
First up was a double dose of How I Met Your Mother. I like HIMYM for the most part. It's one of the funnier shows on television, and has been son for the better part of the last decade. Not sure If I completely approve of the direction this season is taking so far, Veronica that is. However, everything else was absolutely amazing and hilarious. I've never had the opportunity to watch this show straight through for a season, but I have a caught most of them at some point or another. I'm looking forward to hopefully enjoying this season all the way through, if not on the night it premiers at least not too long later.
Next up was Two and a Half Men. I'll be honest: I have never been that much of a 2.5 Men fan. I would watch it if it were on, and nothing else caught my attention. It's even been humorous at times. But I have never been a full fledged let's watch fan. The only reason I really watched was the fact that I got caught up in the media sweep of "what happened to Charlie" and "how did Ashton's character get introduced?" Well, those questions have been answered. And it was pretty humorous. However, I'm not sure if this is something that I will watch every Monday. ... Time will tell.
And since I'm already on CBS, why not watch 2 Broke Girls. So I did. Kat Dennings? Yes please. Other girl? Not so much, more Kat Dennings please. This show was smart at times, funny at times, and had me .... yeah. I liked the show, but I'm not sure if it's because I like looking at Kat or I liked the humor. Time will tell on this one as well. I will probably watch it next week given it's (hopefully regular) time slot of 8:30, right after HIMYM.
And like I said earlier, I missed the season finale of Hell's Kitchen, so I decided to do a quick google search. This years winner? Spoiler Alert: Paul. Unexpected in a way, but he seemed like a good fix. No one in their right mind thought Elise might actually win. Gordon Ramsey knows food and he knows good television. Elise was good television. She could cook, but she could not manage people to save her life. And quite honestly, neither could Tommy. He just wasn't ... mature enough. That left the only two choices, realistically, as Will and Paul. I was pulling for Will from day one, even before I saw him on an episode of Chopped. However, one thing I notice about Will, he will put up with so much BS before he can't take anymore. Paul was more of a kiss up. Was it the reason he won? I don't know, I didn't watch the episode, but I'm sure it didn't hurt.
I missed Hawaii Five-O and probably some other stuff. It looks like I'm gonna have to start looking for some torrents to get caught up...

Currently Playing: The Folk Den - Drunken Sailor
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Days Go By..
So it's 12:02 and my son is still up. While he tries to exercise some energy from his body I figured I'd blog a little. Today has been relatively uneventful. A happy Sunday, for the most part. I had to run out to the store today. Luckily Dollar General was having a clearance sale on all the "summer" items that hadn't sold yet. Lucky me. I got a lot of "outside" toys, some cool bath (converted) toys, and bubbles for the kids. I stuck close to the television most of the day watching football and anticipating the rain to move away from Chicago so the race could get started. In the end, the Dolphins lost (1-11 in your last 12 home games, seriously? ... .. .) and the race got rained out. Liam and I did go out for about an hour later in the day. The mosquitoes are still pretty bad here. I really can't wait for the weather to turn just a little bit cooler so we can enjoy being outside without having to go to the park to do so. I was a little disappointed because Liam cracked his Bubble Gun. I think he got too excited with the bubbles and tripped over his own two feet. So please, if you know anywhere that has bubble guns (or something similar) relatively cheap, feel free to let me know. Messages, phone calls, snail mails, whatever. He really loves this thing and I fear that it's not gonna last through the week...
I'm really hoping for a good week. However, I don't think it's gonna start off that way. I start my first "full" week at Applebee's tomorrow. No more training so to speak, even though I have a lot more to learn about the store, the people, and the guests. I guess not knowing what time I'm supposed to be there tomorrow isn't good. Nor the fact that my car is still in the parking lot and has been there since Friday... .. But that's ok.
I'm really disappointed because I missed a phone call from my cousin Kyle. My phone never rang so when I noticed that I had a voicemail I listened. He played it off, but he was a little disappointed as well. The fact that my phone never "accepted" the call so to speak, I didn't have a number to phone back to either. I'm pretty sure he graduates this week or next, so To-Do list: write Kyle.
So this week is premier week for a lot of television shows. There are a lot of shows that I may watch, you know, if I'm around, but there is only one show that I really want to watch. Where will I be on Friday at 9 p.m.? In front of my television looking for Peter Bishop. I encourage everyone to do the same. Facebook, twitter, or leave a comment here and let me know what television series you are most happy to see either for the first time, or returning. Folks, I hope you have a great week.
Currently Playing: Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over
I'm really hoping for a good week. However, I don't think it's gonna start off that way. I start my first "full" week at Applebee's tomorrow. No more training so to speak, even though I have a lot more to learn about the store, the people, and the guests. I guess not knowing what time I'm supposed to be there tomorrow isn't good. Nor the fact that my car is still in the parking lot and has been there since Friday... .. But that's ok.
I'm really disappointed because I missed a phone call from my cousin Kyle. My phone never rang so when I noticed that I had a voicemail I listened. He played it off, but he was a little disappointed as well. The fact that my phone never "accepted" the call so to speak, I didn't have a number to phone back to either. I'm pretty sure he graduates this week or next, so To-Do list: write Kyle.
So this week is premier week for a lot of television shows. There are a lot of shows that I may watch, you know, if I'm around, but there is only one show that I really want to watch. Where will I be on Friday at 9 p.m.? In front of my television looking for Peter Bishop. I encourage everyone to do the same. Facebook, twitter, or leave a comment here and let me know what television series you are most happy to see either for the first time, or returning. Folks, I hope you have a great week.
Currently Playing: Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over
x_SegaCD_x Project (Part 3)
Just in case you have been dying to know what's been going on with this, here's an update. Given the move, I didn't have the time to work on it. I returned one to PittsLawMan and kept the other for myself, as agreed. However, it didn't make the journey with me to Kentucky, so this project has been suspended indefinitely. I really hope to get it up and going one day, but it looks like that's gonna take a little time...
Currently Playing - Bootless and Unhorsed - Bugger Off (Live)
Currently Playing - Bootless and Unhorsed - Bugger Off (Live)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Black Gold 2011 Day 2
So I told a fib. After Dlo got back from the bridal shower we decided to hit Black Gold one last time to enjoy a few things we won't see for another year or so. After showering, changing, and packing the car we took the five minute ride down the road. First things first, we dove into some funnel cake. I don't care if it's bad for you, I only see it once a year and it's sooo good. There were some guys doing a raffle and they wanted Liam to try to pull a name out of a box. Unfortunately, he was way too bashful to do so. It was really cute to see him being so bashful, especially because I know he really isn't in most other situations. I took him up to play in the cockpit of the big bulldozer afterwards because he really enjoys being in there. He did manage to unlock one of the windows, however, so our stay in the cockpit was relatively short. I really wanted to put him in one of the smaller ones like yesterday, but unfortunately they were all locked up.
On our way in we saw lots of kids with bubble guns. We made it our mission to find one for Liam. We found the booth that was selling them, and wow were they making some huge profit off of it. It looks like it's about a buck fifty worth of plastic, electronic parts, bubbles, and batteries. They sold them for eight bucks a pop. However, watching Liam was worth the extra money. He managed to empty the entire bottle of bubbles in about ten minutes. Bubbles on everyone, and everything, especially himself and Britain.
He did pick an opportune time to run out of bubbles. One of the main reasons for coming back out tonight was to ride the "choo choo train." Tonight's ride was a tad more exciting than last night's. We actually got to ride through the people as opposed to doing circle in the parking lots behind the commotion. Liam seemed to really enjoy it both times, however, and that's all that matters. I personally had a better time tonight though, and I'm not quite sure why.
After the train ride Dlo found some people she hadn't seen in some time and felt the need to catch up on gossip. Liam was getting antsy so I put the puppy leash on him and we went walking. He watched a lot of the games that people played. We came across a toy booth where we picked up a little truck that makes noises and lights up when you press it down. For a dollar, it really couldn't be beat. After a quick stop at the Olan Mills tent (twenty bucks later...but apparently I got a really good deal, we shall see) Liam and I attempted to try picking up the ducks again. However, he was not interested, so Aunt Bobbi Jo to the rescue. She ended up winning Liam and inflatable dolphin that I"m fairly certain Liam gave to his sister.
We quickly made an escape from the laden filled streets of Hazard to pick up dinner at a join called France's. The food was decent, the service sucked, an Liam had a blast watching Pac-Woman and watching me knock pool balls into the approprrate.
On our way in we saw lots of kids with bubble guns. We made it our mission to find one for Liam. We found the booth that was selling them, and wow were they making some huge profit off of it. It looks like it's about a buck fifty worth of plastic, electronic parts, bubbles, and batteries. They sold them for eight bucks a pop. However, watching Liam was worth the extra money. He managed to empty the entire bottle of bubbles in about ten minutes. Bubbles on everyone, and everything, especially himself and Britain.
He did pick an opportune time to run out of bubbles. One of the main reasons for coming back out tonight was to ride the "choo choo train." Tonight's ride was a tad more exciting than last night's. We actually got to ride through the people as opposed to doing circle in the parking lots behind the commotion. Liam seemed to really enjoy it both times, however, and that's all that matters. I personally had a better time tonight though, and I'm not quite sure why.
After the train ride Dlo found some people she hadn't seen in some time and felt the need to catch up on gossip. Liam was getting antsy so I put the puppy leash on him and we went walking. He watched a lot of the games that people played. We came across a toy booth where we picked up a little truck that makes noises and lights up when you press it down. For a dollar, it really couldn't be beat. After a quick stop at the Olan Mills tent (twenty bucks later...but apparently I got a really good deal, we shall see) Liam and I attempted to try picking up the ducks again. However, he was not interested, so Aunt Bobbi Jo to the rescue. She ended up winning Liam and inflatable dolphin that I"m fairly certain Liam gave to his sister.
We quickly made an escape from the laden filled streets of Hazard to pick up dinner at a join called France's. The food was decent, the service sucked, an Liam had a blast watching Pac-Woman and watching me knock pool balls into the approprrate.
Black Gold 2011 Pictures
So Liam completely made a mess of the room this morning. As I woke up and turned to scold him I saw Britain standing in her crib bouncing up and down and smiling from ear to ear. In this moment, I lost all ability to be mad. It was the best sight I could possibly wake up to, and I have been in a relatively good mood ever since.
As promised, here are some of the pictures that we took last night at the Black Gold festival. Unfortunately, I doubt we will be heading out for a second night, it really depends on if Dlo gets back from the bridal shower in time to go out.
Black Gold Pictures:
Currently Playing: College Football, and lots of it
As promised, here are some of the pictures that we took last night at the Black Gold festival. Unfortunately, I doubt we will be heading out for a second night, it really depends on if Dlo gets back from the bridal shower in time to go out.
Black Gold Pictures:
Currently Playing: College Football, and lots of it
So, for those of you who haven't heard, or not paying attention, life has taken quite a drastic jump for me the last couple months or so. I packed up and moved to a little place called Hazard, Kentucky. I'm here for and with my kids in an effort to make life as happy and easy for them as possible. It hasn't been easy on me, or Dlo for that matter, but we come together when we see the smiles on our children's faces. So, more changes must come to accompany those changes.
It's amusing, however, that the more things change, the more things stay the same. I needed a job, so I applied to a few places. The first place to offer me a job was Wal-Mart. It would have been crappy hours at crappy pay, so I held off for something a little better. The job I would end up taking?: Applebee's. Yessir ladies and gentleman, I just finished my first week at Applebee's for the second time. This time was by far a little easier. There is plenty I could say here, but I'm not, simply because it's somewhat unprofessional. If anyone wants to speak with me privately about my thoughts feel free to contact me and I shall gladly divulge information. Just know that I am really excited, in a way, to be working at this particular store. And to be working in general...
By far the best thing that has happened this week is the Black Gold Festival, and how much fun my kids had, particularly Liam. I personally am not a big fan of this festival, for many reasons. However, this seems to be the big thing in this town every year, so with little to do we decided to go out and enjoy ourselves. The first thing we did was visit the "trucks." These trucks are really large pieces of equipment that is used by strip miners to clear the land. Liam had a blast sitting in some of the larger equipment, but he had the most fun sitting in the bobcat. With a huge smile on his face he was working the controls like a champ. That was probably the highlight of the night. We walked through about a quarter mile of carney games and food vendors to visit the craft shop. Unfortunately, there was no where near as much good stuff there this year as there was last year. But we made a pass through none the less. On the way back through the sea of people, carneys, and chicken on a stick we decided to stop and take a little break. We got baby Britain a little baby food for sooth her hungry stomach while everyone else munched down on a funnel cake. After our brief hiatus, we tried to convince Liam that the bouncey house would be fun. He was convinced that it was not. We decided that since Liam didn't have any fun in the bouncey house he would sure have fun on the little "choo choo train," especially if daddy rode along with. So we hopped on the train at two bucks a pop and rode circles around the parking lot behind the festival. It was fun, but just a little disappointing. Liam really enjoyed himself though, so in the end that was all that mattered. Next, we made our way toward the "carnival" section of this festival looking for something appropriate that Liam might enjoy. After seeing nothing that looked either safe, appropriate, or friendly, we decided to call it a night and bring it on back to the house. There is another big day planned tomorrow with a parade and a car show. Hopefully I we'll be able to make back out tomorrow. Look for some pictures to be posted somewhere soon as well.
Currently Playing: Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There
It's amusing, however, that the more things change, the more things stay the same. I needed a job, so I applied to a few places. The first place to offer me a job was Wal-Mart. It would have been crappy hours at crappy pay, so I held off for something a little better. The job I would end up taking?: Applebee's. Yessir ladies and gentleman, I just finished my first week at Applebee's for the second time. This time was by far a little easier. There is plenty I could say here, but I'm not, simply because it's somewhat unprofessional. If anyone wants to speak with me privately about my thoughts feel free to contact me and I shall gladly divulge information. Just know that I am really excited, in a way, to be working at this particular store. And to be working in general...
By far the best thing that has happened this week is the Black Gold Festival, and how much fun my kids had, particularly Liam. I personally am not a big fan of this festival, for many reasons. However, this seems to be the big thing in this town every year, so with little to do we decided to go out and enjoy ourselves. The first thing we did was visit the "trucks." These trucks are really large pieces of equipment that is used by strip miners to clear the land. Liam had a blast sitting in some of the larger equipment, but he had the most fun sitting in the bobcat. With a huge smile on his face he was working the controls like a champ. That was probably the highlight of the night. We walked through about a quarter mile of carney games and food vendors to visit the craft shop. Unfortunately, there was no where near as much good stuff there this year as there was last year. But we made a pass through none the less. On the way back through the sea of people, carneys, and chicken on a stick we decided to stop and take a little break. We got baby Britain a little baby food for sooth her hungry stomach while everyone else munched down on a funnel cake. After our brief hiatus, we tried to convince Liam that the bouncey house would be fun. He was convinced that it was not. We decided that since Liam didn't have any fun in the bouncey house he would sure have fun on the little "choo choo train," especially if daddy rode along with. So we hopped on the train at two bucks a pop and rode circles around the parking lot behind the festival. It was fun, but just a little disappointing. Liam really enjoyed himself though, so in the end that was all that mattered. Next, we made our way toward the "carnival" section of this festival looking for something appropriate that Liam might enjoy. After seeing nothing that looked either safe, appropriate, or friendly, we decided to call it a night and bring it on back to the house. There is another big day planned tomorrow with a parade and a car show. Hopefully I we'll be able to make back out tomorrow. Look for some pictures to be posted somewhere soon as well.
Currently Playing: Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There
Thursday, June 30, 2011
x_SegaCD_x Project Part 2
So if you read up the other day, you saw that I came into temporary possession of a couple Old School Sega Genesis as well as a couple Old School SegaCDs to go with them. I broke them down, cleaned them up the best I could and inspected the parts to see if "theoretically" they would still run. However, they still needed some testing, and this is where part 2 comes in: testing...
Testing these beasts would be no easy task, not because they are hard to plug in, but because I would have to hunt down cords. Keep in mind that when they were found, it was just the systems. No cords, no controllers, nothing else that may aid in bringing them back to life. That being said, it's a good thing I'm a pack rat from time to time. I indeed found a controller, a TV hookup and DC adapter for the Seags themselves (thank you Curlin) and I also had a universal adapter and a A/V cord lying about that I could use to test. Excellent!
System one (the one with the extender) seemed to work just fine. The system powered on and showed the SegaCD welcome screen. That's always a good thing. I plopped a cd in, put a controller in and! ... ! ... ! ... ... .. nothing. I wasn't too excited, however, I figured it was because I was trying to use a burnt cd to test. So I tried another cd. This one...worked, kinda. It skipped all over the place. Almost made me think the cd motor wasn't spinning fast enough (or too fast) for the cd to operate correctly. So I went ahead and broke everything down before realizing I haven't tested the actual Sega Genesis yet. DOH! So I took the Sega Genesis off of the SegaCD and tested it with the game that was found (I think, Ms. PacMan) and sure enough, it worked. Excellent. I had to fight with the RF Unit. I think there is a short somewhere in it, I'm not 100% sure, but I fought with it long enough to see that it was indeed working. SWEET! On to system numero dos...
After the few mistakes I made on the first one, this one was a little bit easier to test. The cd seemed to work just fine, at first. At some point it did start getting faster and skipping. I'd like to attribute that to the fact that it's sitting on top of the XBOX 360 currently, but I can't be 100% sure on that either. However, the game worked as well (2 working Sega Genesis systems, alright) and the cd continued to play while I was playing Ms. PacMan. Excellent.
So where to now? I need to do a little research to see if this cd skipping was a general problem given the SegaCDs. If it was, there is probably an easy solution on how to fix it. I also need to test it with an actual SegaCD game. That will be the tell all as to whether it really does work or not. That will also be the best troubleshooting opportunity. Stay tuned while I get these beasts up and running, and back as good as new!
Currently Playing: Kenny Chesney - Down the Road (feautring Mac McNally)
Testing these beasts would be no easy task, not because they are hard to plug in, but because I would have to hunt down cords. Keep in mind that when they were found, it was just the systems. No cords, no controllers, nothing else that may aid in bringing them back to life. That being said, it's a good thing I'm a pack rat from time to time. I indeed found a controller, a TV hookup and DC adapter for the Seags themselves (thank you Curlin) and I also had a universal adapter and a A/V cord lying about that I could use to test. Excellent!
System one (the one with the extender) seemed to work just fine. The system powered on and showed the SegaCD welcome screen. That's always a good thing. I plopped a cd in, put a controller in and! ... ! ... ! ... ... .. nothing. I wasn't too excited, however, I figured it was because I was trying to use a burnt cd to test. So I tried another cd. This one...worked, kinda. It skipped all over the place. Almost made me think the cd motor wasn't spinning fast enough (or too fast) for the cd to operate correctly. So I went ahead and broke everything down before realizing I haven't tested the actual Sega Genesis yet. DOH! So I took the Sega Genesis off of the SegaCD and tested it with the game that was found (I think, Ms. PacMan) and sure enough, it worked. Excellent. I had to fight with the RF Unit. I think there is a short somewhere in it, I'm not 100% sure, but I fought with it long enough to see that it was indeed working. SWEET! On to system numero dos...
After the few mistakes I made on the first one, this one was a little bit easier to test. The cd seemed to work just fine, at first. At some point it did start getting faster and skipping. I'd like to attribute that to the fact that it's sitting on top of the XBOX 360 currently, but I can't be 100% sure on that either. However, the game worked as well (2 working Sega Genesis systems, alright) and the cd continued to play while I was playing Ms. PacMan. Excellent.
So where to now? I need to do a little research to see if this cd skipping was a general problem given the SegaCDs. If it was, there is probably an easy solution on how to fix it. I also need to test it with an actual SegaCD game. That will be the tell all as to whether it really does work or not. That will also be the best troubleshooting opportunity. Stay tuned while I get these beasts up and running, and back as good as new!
Currently Playing: Kenny Chesney - Down the Road (feautring Mac McNally)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
x_SegaCD_x Project
Keep in mind that I had two of them to get into. The first one, albeit much cleaner than the second, had a massive amount grass (that's my guess) as well as a bee. I broke it all the way down, removing every screw and every piece, trying to clean and inspect. Keep in mind that I have NO cords that I know of, so I can't test the SegaCD itself. Board inspection didn't show anything wrong with it however, with the exception that maybe the onboard battery is showing wear. I'm not completely certain, however. I pieced everything back together, took some pictures in between, and then started work on the second one!
So this is where you come in handy, people of my life. I'm actually looking for DC adapters for this. Apparently they are only supposed to use 1602 DC 9V 1.2A Sega Approved adapters. I'm still gonna see if I have a universal one that will work though. Additionally, I can test to see if it plays cds, but I still need to see if it will play an actual game. So if anyone has one they would be willing to let me borrow, or can point me in the right direction of a store that has them relatively cheap (please, avoid the Vault. I like being tetanus free) please let me know! And as always, if you have something you want fixed, and you don't mind me taking a look at it, feel free to hit me up
Currently Playing: Dia Frampton - Inventing Shadows
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Dragon Age: Origins
Playthrough One: Human Noble Warrior
Sure, I may be late, but better late than never. I just played through Dragon Age: Origins for my first time. Only five more to go!... Already got a blog up at 1up! Check it Out! And leave comments here and there!
Currently Playing: Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee
Sure, I may be late, but better late than never. I just played through Dragon Age: Origins for my first time. Only five more to go!... Already got a blog up at 1up! Check it Out! And leave comments here and there!
Currently Playing: Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Songs of the Week: March 23, 2011
I'm a little late this week. And the music is a little struggling...SUE ME! Enjoy my songs of the week!
And THE song of the week belongs to Sara Bareilles..Say What? Yep, Sara Bareilles gives a little nod to previous Song of the Week owner Cee-Lo with his song Fuck You. And how does she do it? Well, check it out for yourself with the Song of the Week: Sara Bareilles - Fuck You/Gonna Get Over You (Live)
Our feature song this week comes from my buddy, @oxynerd, who sent over an interesting little diddy from a rap group, or alternative hip hop band as wikipedia puts it, called Chiddy Bang. The video is more than amusing and the song is pretty decent. Check it out, and a big thank you to @oxynerd for sending me some new music to listen to: Chiddy Bang - Opposite of Adults
Here are a couple other songs I've been jiving to this week. Heh, I said jiving...
Zac Brown Band - As She's Walking Away (featuring Alan Jackson)
Weezer - Keep Fishin'
And last, but not least, is your ?WTF! song of the Week. It comes from a gentleman named Nick Pittsinger. You know him, right? If you said yes you either a) just lied to me or b) have come from an awful far place to read my little blog. Regardless, Mr. Pittsinger decided he was going to take Justin Beiber's song U Smile and elongate it. By 8 times. Yep, that's U Smile, 800 percent slower than normal. At first you think to yourself "wtf." Good, that's why it's the ?WTF! song of the week. Second you think to yourself, this isn't really Justin Beiber. Well, you are wrong. Mr. Pettsinger used a piece of freeware software called PaulStretch, just in case you are an aspriring producer. This guy goes by the handle Shamantis and has a music project by the same name. Shamantis. A little free love there for you. I haven't taken the time to give it a listen yet, so you guys lemme know what you think. But, here's the song: Nick Pettsinger (@shamantis): Justin Beiber - U Smile (800% Slower)
There you go, songs of the week. Lemme know what you are listening to, leave the love here, at facebook, or on twitter @clubbprez. No ads this week, I'm too lazy to put them on here...
Currently Playing: Die Antwoord - Enter the Ninja
And THE song of the week belongs to Sara Bareilles..Say What? Yep, Sara Bareilles gives a little nod to previous Song of the Week owner Cee-Lo with his song Fuck You. And how does she do it? Well, check it out for yourself with the Song of the Week: Sara Bareilles - Fuck You/Gonna Get Over You (Live)
Our feature song this week comes from my buddy, @oxynerd, who sent over an interesting little diddy from a rap group, or alternative hip hop band as wikipedia puts it, called Chiddy Bang. The video is more than amusing and the song is pretty decent. Check it out, and a big thank you to @oxynerd for sending me some new music to listen to: Chiddy Bang - Opposite of Adults
Here are a couple other songs I've been jiving to this week. Heh, I said jiving...
Zac Brown Band - As She's Walking Away (featuring Alan Jackson)
Weezer - Keep Fishin'
And last, but not least, is your ?WTF! song of the Week. It comes from a gentleman named Nick Pittsinger. You know him, right? If you said yes you either a) just lied to me or b) have come from an awful far place to read my little blog. Regardless, Mr. Pittsinger decided he was going to take Justin Beiber's song U Smile and elongate it. By 8 times. Yep, that's U Smile, 800 percent slower than normal. At first you think to yourself "wtf." Good, that's why it's the ?WTF! song of the week. Second you think to yourself, this isn't really Justin Beiber. Well, you are wrong. Mr. Pettsinger used a piece of freeware software called PaulStretch, just in case you are an aspriring producer. This guy goes by the handle Shamantis and has a music project by the same name. Shamantis. A little free love there for you. I haven't taken the time to give it a listen yet, so you guys lemme know what you think. But, here's the song: Nick Pettsinger (@shamantis): Justin Beiber - U Smile (800% Slower)
There you go, songs of the week. Lemme know what you are listening to, leave the love here, at facebook, or on twitter @clubbprez. No ads this week, I'm too lazy to put them on here...
Currently Playing: Die Antwoord - Enter the Ninja
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Songs O' The Week: March 16, 2011
It be St. Patrick's Day. And as such, there be a a whole pot of lucky Irish songs (or of the sort) to keep ye movin' along as ye drink yer green ale and dance the night away. Peer close lads n' lasses for this be the songs o' the week!
Dropkick Murphys - Fields of Athenry
Dropkick Murphys - Captain Kelly's Kitchen
Flogging Molly - Laura
Flogging Molly - The Lightning Storm
Da Vinci's Notebook - Another Irish Drinking Song
Buck-O-Nine - Drink and Fight
Bootless and Unhorsed - Bugger Off
And odd man out for the week? None other than Ray William Johnson (otherwise known as YourFavoriteMartian) with this somewhat catchy tune:
YourFavoriteMartian - Club Villain
There you go, songs of the week! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. As always let me know what you are listening to. You can leave those songs here in the comment section or on twitter @clubbprez. *SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION* Click a damn ad so I can pay some bills.
Currently Playing: Eminem - 'Til I Collapse (featuring Nate Dogg)
Dropkick Murphys - Fields of Athenry
Dropkick Murphys - Captain Kelly's Kitchen
Flogging Molly - Laura
Flogging Molly - The Lightning Storm
Da Vinci's Notebook - Another Irish Drinking Song
Buck-O-Nine - Drink and Fight
Bootless and Unhorsed - Bugger Off
And odd man out for the week? None other than Ray William Johnson (otherwise known as YourFavoriteMartian) with this somewhat catchy tune:
YourFavoriteMartian - Club Villain
There you go, songs of the week! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. As always let me know what you are listening to. You can leave those songs here in the comment section or on twitter @clubbprez. *SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION* Click a damn ad so I can pay some bills.
Currently Playing: Eminem - 'Til I Collapse (featuring Nate Dogg)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Songs of the Week: March 9, 2011
Hey hey, what's going on guys. This week seemed to drag by. I guess that's what happens when you have nothing else better to do than play poker and take care of the kids. Well, all that ends on MONDAY! New job, new start, can.not.wait. However, that doesn't mean that the last week *didn't* go by. And because it did, here's your weekly dose of what has been invading my ear drums!
So I finally got a wish. I finally found a song that's relatively new in the genre of music that I really enjoy listening too. It's a great song in my opinion, but then again, I'm a little biased. Seems like this song may still be in the creative process, but I hope they don't mess it up too much. I love me some:
Rise Against - Satellite
30 Seconds to Mars - Bad Romance (Live)
MC White Noise - Da Pokerz!
Avril Lavigne - What The Hell
And for your WTF! Song of the Week (sure, why not) I leave you with something completely left field that it makes a little sense, I think...
Avril Lavigne - Tik Tok
That's all the songs I have for you this week. As usual, please stop by and let me know what you think of my songs of the week and please post your songs of the week. I'm always looking for new music to listen to, and I will listen to almost (and I mean almost) anything. And as usual, click a link and help me pay some bills! Leave Some LOVE!
Currently Playing: B.o.B. - Higher
So I finally got a wish. I finally found a song that's relatively new in the genre of music that I really enjoy listening too. It's a great song in my opinion, but then again, I'm a little biased. Seems like this song may still be in the creative process, but I hope they don't mess it up too much. I love me some:
Rise Against - Satellite
30 Seconds to Mars - Bad Romance (Live)
MC White Noise - Da Pokerz!
Avril Lavigne - What The Hell
And for your WTF! Song of the Week (sure, why not) I leave you with something completely left field that it makes a little sense, I think...
Avril Lavigne - Tik Tok
That's all the songs I have for you this week. As usual, please stop by and let me know what you think of my songs of the week and please post your songs of the week. I'm always looking for new music to listen to, and I will listen to almost (and I mean almost) anything. And as usual, click a link and help me pay some bills! Leave Some LOVE!
Currently Playing: B.o.B. - Higher
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Songs of the Week: March 2, 2011
Hey hey, what's going on guys. It's Wednesday. You know that means. It's time for the Songs of the Week, or at least my songs of the week. You guys aren't playing fair. I want to know what you are listening to. So please tell me what you have been listening to either here in the comment section, twitter @clubbprez, or on facebook @!
We have a little variety this week, but not as much as I would have liked. Most of the songs hit in the past 24 hours and a couple of them are dated. However, give a listen to "Poker." You'll see the link.
I guess the song of the week, for it's amazingness (and the uber 80's references). Sure, it may be a little advertising for the movie Take Me Home Tonight, but the song is a really good cover (thumbs up Atomic Tom) of the Human League song "Don't You Want Me." Check it out:
Atomic Tom - Don't You Want Me
And this next song gets honorable mention. It probaly would have taken top spot honors had it not been for the 80's magic. Give it up to Ricky Carden, perhaps better known in the railbird community as luckyfool for his song "Poker," co-written with Curtis Smith (sorry, I don't have any information on this guy, just giving props where props are due)
Ricky Carden - Poker (co-written with Curtis Smith) **NOTE** Click Ricky Carden - Curtis Smith "Poker" in the player and enjoy a nice homegrown song.
And the rest of the weeks songs:
Lupe Fiasco - Lu Myself
Lupe Fiasco - Mean and Vicious
Your Favorite Martian - Bottles of Beer
Eminem - G.O.A.T.
I hope you enjoyed them. Like I said, give me something new to listen to. Local bands (local to me, or local to you) shoot me some music and perhaps you'll make the list! GIVE ME NEW MUSIC TO LISTEN TO!
As always, CLICK A LINK PLEASE! Help pay some bills or at least help me figure out what the limits are. Adz are safe! Just click the link and close the page.
Currently Playing: Atomic Tom - Don't You Want Me
We have a little variety this week, but not as much as I would have liked. Most of the songs hit in the past 24 hours and a couple of them are dated. However, give a listen to "Poker." You'll see the link.
I guess the song of the week, for it's amazingness (and the uber 80's references). Sure, it may be a little advertising for the movie Take Me Home Tonight, but the song is a really good cover (thumbs up Atomic Tom) of the Human League song "Don't You Want Me." Check it out:
Atomic Tom - Don't You Want Me
And this next song gets honorable mention. It probaly would have taken top spot honors had it not been for the 80's magic. Give it up to Ricky Carden, perhaps better known in the railbird community as luckyfool for his song "Poker," co-written with Curtis Smith (sorry, I don't have any information on this guy, just giving props where props are due)
Ricky Carden - Poker (co-written with Curtis Smith) **NOTE** Click Ricky Carden - Curtis Smith "Poker" in the player and enjoy a nice homegrown song.
And the rest of the weeks songs:
Lupe Fiasco - Lu Myself
Lupe Fiasco - Mean and Vicious
Your Favorite Martian - Bottles of Beer
Eminem - G.O.A.T.
I hope you enjoyed them. Like I said, give me something new to listen to. Local bands (local to me, or local to you) shoot me some music and perhaps you'll make the list! GIVE ME NEW MUSIC TO LISTEN TO!
As always, CLICK A LINK PLEASE! Help pay some bills or at least help me figure out what the limits are. Adz are safe! Just click the link and close the page.
Currently Playing: Atomic Tom - Don't You Want Me
Eminem - Straight from the Vault (Unreleased Tracks!)

First off, keep in mind that these songs were "unreleased." Give them a listen and you'll see why. And being that they were unreleased, it's hard to put an exact creation date on them. However, 2007 - 2008 seems to be the most accepted time period thus far. There is the crazy accent rap in a couple songs, a couple collabs with people like B.o.B. (no, not Airplanes, but you are thinking the same guy) and Obie Trice. Obie Trice left Shady records in 2008 making the song Emulate at least two years old in my opinion. As for Things Get Worse, it has been reported that Eminem and B.o.B. got together in 2009 for this one. Long before Airplanes II and long before the release of "The Adventures of Bobby Ray."
So why are these songs out here? Someone out in the internet lands by the name of "Koolo" somehow got ahold of all these songs, zipped them up, and sent them to the rest of the internet lands for downloads, criticisms, appraisals, and whatsoever.
The good side? Well, we as fans get to listen to some of the songs that we otherwise wouldn't get a chance to listen to. Perhaps as a fan we get a slight glimpse into the creative process as unfinished songs turn into finished song on official releases. However, there are more
BADSIDES!..How so, you may ask. Well, as an artist (whether it be a poet, a painter, a storyteller, song writer, whatever) the creative aura is always there. Sometimes, you just have to do something with it. For someone like Eminem, sometimes its hopping in a booth and getting it out. For painters, it may just be grabbing some paint and something to paint on. Regardless, it's the rough draft that always comes out. The artist can then step back and decide if this is something they feel they want to continue with or toss aside.
In this particular case these songs were either stored for another day or just completely left out because they weren't up to snuff (or some other reason). The song Get Money implies some "disses" towards Jay-Z and Kanye West. In a million years I don't think Eminem would diss Jay-Z intentionally. He did mention in "Talkin' 2 Myself" (A released track on Recovery) that he "almost went at Kanye too" references making a diss track. However, in the same song he tells Kanye (in addition to Lil' Wayne and T.I.) to keep your head up. Whatever demons, creativity, frustration, whatever, that Eminem was feeling when he recorded these songs are obviously not there at present day, and thus these songs should be placed aside for another day. Instead, I'm guessing there were a lot of phone calls being placed (first and foremost by Eminem, I would hope) explaining the situation and bridging the gaps that "Koolo" might have formed by releasing some of this stuff to the world. It wasn't meant to come out.
Reason number 2, and I think this is just as important as the previous reason, is that if there was something on shelf waiting for it's turn in line, it's probably safe to say that it's not going anywhere now. I feel I can say that with Syllables (remember Syllables?) as well as the B.o.B. song Things Get Worse.
As a fan I really am liking a few of these songs I've heard. However, as a fan I can also tell you that I am by no means judging Eminem (or any other artist for that matter) through means of unreleased material. I have listened to all these songs a couple times. I honestly do not think that Eminem is throwing any disses towards Jay-Z and Kanye in the song Get Money. I simply think he's saying that when asked who the best in the game are, people are not mentioning his name ("they keep on sayin' the same rappers are the best Jay-Z and Kanye West"), and it's time for him to reclaim his spot ("I'm a blonde Dre, now gimme Kanye's glasses!").
Regardless, this can of worms is open and there's no way to stuff the cat back in the bag. Here's the track list and where to go to find these songs so you can make your own opinion:
Eminem - Straight From the Vault
1. The People's Champ (intro) Honestly, just a bad mix of a bunch of different songs. Blame "koolo" for that. I think it sucks anyways.
2. Get Money
3. Things Get Worse (featuring B.o.B.)
4. Emulate (featuring Obie Trice)
5. Balling Uncontrollably
6. Going Crazy (featuring D-12)
8. G.O.A.T.
9. The Apple
10. It's Been Real (Outro)
As a BONUS (and one song you won't find in the download:
Fly Away (featuring Just Blaze)
There you go, YouTube links for every song if you'd like to go check them out. Go listen to them quick, UMG is taking them down almost as quickly as someone is putting them up. Your best bet is to go grab this mixtape as quickly as possible. Peep it (I sound so cool) HERE! Click on the big yellow button that says "DOWNLOAD FILE."
Just an aside, I will not be updating these links. Once they are dead, they are dead and gone. Afterwards if you want to listen to them you are either going to have to do the google searches yourself or just send me an email and we'll see what we can do.
If you appreciate the hard work then please click one of these links below! Just a few cents to show your appreciation for the work gone into this blog!
Currently Playing: Lupe Fiasco - Lu Myself
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Finally, A Final Table
For those who know me, I'm somewhat of a poker fanatic. I've been playing off and on for a while and have even tried to invest a little cash. However, I was way to liberal with most of my calls, so I decided to drop back to freerolls. I played one tonight and finally made the final table. It's been a while since I seen one.
There were 554 people in the tourney. It was the fastest freeroll I've ever seen mainly because of the format. All but 13 were gone before the first break (55 minutes of play). Everyone started with 300 chips and blinds went up every 2 minutes. I got AQ of hearts on my very first hand and pushed. I got called and spiked an Ace on the turn. Nice, double up. And that's pretty much how most of this tourney was played. One person would push and another would call.
The pivotal moment in the match was a hand that was against the ordinary play. There was a raise to 480 from UTG. The small blind (who had a fairly big stack) and the big blind (me with a decent stack) called. I had 98 of diamonds and hit a diamond draw on the flop. Small blind leads out with a bet, I call, and UTG folds. My diamond draw connected on the turn and the small blind led out again with a bet and I called. The river paired the board which meant potentially the small blind could have connected with a full house. However, given the format I had to make the most out of this opportunity. I pushed and got called. Luckily, no boat. Flush wins and I more than double up.
I made it to the final table and played extremely carefully. I had about 8K in chips with the blinds at 500/1000 when we started final table play. I doubled up once with AQ and hit a nice hand with another A. Down to 4 people and the blinds were at 3000/6000 and I got dealt A9 off. I figured I'm still happy with 4th (6th was where I wanted, anything above 6th was bonus) and went all in. I got called with A7 off. We both avoided cards until the river card hit, boom, the 7...4th place money.
Keep in mind that this is a freeroll. 4th place didn't pay some ridiculous amount of money, but it's an extra $2.19 I can play with. Maybe I can win some big money and pay it back like some really nice people have done for me.
Thank for checking me out. Special thanks over to the railbird community. As always, please click a link here so I can pay some bills!
Currently Playing: Your Favorite Martian - Bottles of Beer
There were 554 people in the tourney. It was the fastest freeroll I've ever seen mainly because of the format. All but 13 were gone before the first break (55 minutes of play). Everyone started with 300 chips and blinds went up every 2 minutes. I got AQ of hearts on my very first hand and pushed. I got called and spiked an Ace on the turn. Nice, double up. And that's pretty much how most of this tourney was played. One person would push and another would call.
The pivotal moment in the match was a hand that was against the ordinary play. There was a raise to 480 from UTG. The small blind (who had a fairly big stack) and the big blind (me with a decent stack) called. I had 98 of diamonds and hit a diamond draw on the flop. Small blind leads out with a bet, I call, and UTG folds. My diamond draw connected on the turn and the small blind led out again with a bet and I called. The river paired the board which meant potentially the small blind could have connected with a full house. However, given the format I had to make the most out of this opportunity. I pushed and got called. Luckily, no boat. Flush wins and I more than double up.
I made it to the final table and played extremely carefully. I had about 8K in chips with the blinds at 500/1000 when we started final table play. I doubled up once with AQ and hit a nice hand with another A. Down to 4 people and the blinds were at 3000/6000 and I got dealt A9 off. I figured I'm still happy with 4th (6th was where I wanted, anything above 6th was bonus) and went all in. I got called with A7 off. We both avoided cards until the river card hit, boom, the 7...4th place money.
Keep in mind that this is a freeroll. 4th place didn't pay some ridiculous amount of money, but it's an extra $2.19 I can play with. Maybe I can win some big money and pay it back like some really nice people have done for me.
Thank for checking me out. Special thanks over to the railbird community. As always, please click a link here so I can pay some bills!
Currently Playing: Your Favorite Martian - Bottles of Beer
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Songs of the Week: February 23, 2011
Big week for me in music. I wish I could link you to all the videos, however they haven't perfected the "record a video with your eyes and ears and then upload it to youtube via your brain for the entire world to see" technology yet. And if they have, spooky. 'Nuff said. It's Febrary 23, 2011 and these are my Songs of the Week!DISCLAIMER: Some of the music listed this week could is completely inappropriate for youthful ears. Please take caution when using your mouse to click through links. Enjoy.
Cee Lo - Fuck You
Jerrod Neimann - Lover, Lover (Live)
Jerrod Neimann - Good Ride Cowboy (Live)
Darius Rucker - Hold My Hand (Live)
Darius Rucker - Let Her Cry (Live)
Brad Paisley - Water (Live)
Brad Paisley - Letter to Me (Live)
Brad Paisley - Alcohol (Live) (featuring Jerrod Neimann and Darius Rucker)
Lupe Fiasco - All Black Everything
Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)
Enrique Iglesias - Tonight (I'm Fucking You) (featuring Ludacris and DJ Frank E)
Usher - OMG (featuring
MysteryGuitarMan - Doubles
There you go, my songs of the week. So let me know what you are currently listening to. As you can see there is an insane deficit of punk/rock music in my life. I'm always looking for music and right now in the punk rock/rock department. HELP ME OUT! Leave a message here and throw it down at facebook!
Currently Playing: MysteryGuitarMan - Doubles
Cee Lo - Fuck You
Jerrod Neimann - Lover, Lover (Live)
Jerrod Neimann - Good Ride Cowboy (Live)
Darius Rucker - Hold My Hand (Live)
Darius Rucker - Let Her Cry (Live)
Brad Paisley - Water (Live)
Brad Paisley - Letter to Me (Live)
Brad Paisley - Alcohol (Live) (featuring Jerrod Neimann and Darius Rucker)
Lupe Fiasco - All Black Everything
Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)
Enrique Iglesias - Tonight (I'm Fucking You) (featuring Ludacris and DJ Frank E)
Usher - OMG (featuring
MysteryGuitarMan - Doubles
There you go, my songs of the week. So let me know what you are currently listening to. As you can see there is an insane deficit of punk/rock music in my life. I'm always looking for music and right now in the punk rock/rock department. HELP ME OUT! Leave a message here and throw it down at facebook!
Currently Playing: MysteryGuitarMan - Doubles
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Lupe Fiasco - All Black Everything

I just finished hearing Lupe's new song "All Black Everything" and let me tell you, off the chain. If the last two songs weren't enough to build anticipation for Lasers, this song definitly does.
All Black Everything paints the picture of a world untouched by racism, slavery, and hatred. It talks about how different of a world we would be living in had things been different over the past 400 years. It speaks of no slavery, and how black and white people could get along because of this lack of slavery. With no fear comes no limitations, and thus a glorious America was built from this lack of limitation. From this lack of limitation, drugs have never found there way in, foreign countries are in peace ("Somalia is a great place to relax in"), projects are non existant, and racism has no place in this day and age.
Now granted, this is just the picture painted. Anyone can paint a picture and conjecture about what may have been had things occurred differently, whether it be in one's personal life or, as Lupe Fiasco has put it, in terms of known history itself. But the picture painted isn't to prove some kind of point of the way things may have been. The picture is simply a representation of something great. A representation of something that we as a collective public should be working toward. Painting a picture of something amazing in the past could theoretically convince the present that our future could be amazing. Lupe brings it to a close in the third verse saying "Uh, and I know it's just a fantasy I cordially invite you to ask why can't it be. Now we can do nothing bout the past but we can do something about the future that we have."
Give it a listen! Lupe Fiasco - All Black Everything
Currently Playing: All City Chess Club - I'm Beamin' (Remix)
Passing it Along
Check it out. It's a great blog post on protecting yourself from email phishing: x86computing
Currently Playing: Janelle Monae - Tightrope (featuring B.o.B. and Lupe Fiasco)
Currently Playing: Janelle Monae - Tightrope (featuring B.o.B. and Lupe Fiasco)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Self Pampering
We all need it. Dlo and I are at Valley View mall as we speak for a much needed day of pampering ourselves and each other. I just spent almost 30 bucks for a haircut. Yeoww. I know right. Dlo is getting her nails done. And I finally came across the little Pooh Bear ornament from Hallmark that I had been looking for. Thank you deep discounts on Xmas items months after Christmas. We are getting ready to head to Tue H2O tour in a few. The show starts at 7:30, assuming Dlo finishes her nails in time!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Songs of the Week(s): Up to Today
And so I've been slacking in the Songs of the Week Department. I'm a few weeks behind. As such, I'm going to catch you up on what I've been listening to, even though it isn't much!
Pearl Jam - Better Man
Rockapella - Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?
And from the Superbowl Week:
Wiz Khalifa - Black and Yellow
Lil' Wayne - Green and Yellow
And from the last week:
Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said (featuring Skyler Gray)
P.S. Look for Lupe Fiasco - Lasers, March 8th!
Shameless Self Promotion - x86computing Tell all your friends!
Pearl Jam - Better Man
Rockapella - Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?
And from the Superbowl Week:
Wiz Khalifa - Black and Yellow
Lil' Wayne - Green and Yellow
And from the last week:
Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said (featuring Skyler Gray)
P.S. Look for Lupe Fiasco - Lasers, March 8th!
Shameless Self Promotion - x86computing Tell all your friends!
Birthday Poker Action!
So I came home last night and decided to hop in a couple freerolls on full tilt poker. The first was a freeroll Razz tournament. For those who don't know much about Razz, it plays very similar to 7 card stud, only the goal is to get the lowest hand possible. The best hand is the nut low (5,4,3,2,A). I don't play Razz very often so I wasn't really expecting that deep of a run. It was a $150 Guaranteed, top 45 places paid. I was doing really good until I ran up against a wall. I had 6,5,3,2,A. It wasn't enough against 6,4,3,2,A. I lost a good ninety percent of my stack to that hand at the time and ended up in 93rd place. BUM-MER!
For some reason, I decided to hop in a No Limit Hold 'Em Rush tournament last night as well. Again, $150 Guaranteed with the top 45 places paying out. Keep in mind that for much of the night I was playing both tourneys at the same time. It was rather interesting to try this. Anyway, I ran pretty deep and was looking pretty good. I got dealt pocket Kings and played them rather poorly, in my opinion. I'm not sure if I was on tilt a little for the few earlier hands or because it was pretty late and I was getting tired. However, my Kings did not hold up again the Straight Flush (7,8,9,10,J of diamonds) and I busted out in 34th place. Not bad I suppose, but certainly earlier than I wanted and much earlier than I could have done. My efforts earned me a whole $1.35 cents however. Bringing my career tournament winnings to a grand total of $1.42. Go me!
For some reason, I decided to hop in a No Limit Hold 'Em Rush tournament last night as well. Again, $150 Guaranteed with the top 45 places paying out. Keep in mind that for much of the night I was playing both tourneys at the same time. It was rather interesting to try this. Anyway, I ran pretty deep and was looking pretty good. I got dealt pocket Kings and played them rather poorly, in my opinion. I'm not sure if I was on tilt a little for the few earlier hands or because it was pretty late and I was getting tired. However, my Kings did not hold up again the Straight Flush (7,8,9,10,J of diamonds) and I busted out in 34th place. Not bad I suppose, but certainly earlier than I wanted and much earlier than I could have done. My efforts earned me a whole $1.35 cents however. Bringing my career tournament winnings to a grand total of $1.42. Go me!
Birthday Amazingness!
What a great birthday! I got breakfast in bed from Chef's. I love you Dolores! Then, we got the opportunity to go to Koto's in Lynchburg. I had been wanting to go for awhile, so the free lunch on your birthday was definitely an added bonus. Liam thoroughly enjoyed our cook even though he's really afraid of fire (I mean come on, who isn't). We ended the birthday extravaganza at mom's house. She made some stir fry and some mmm good cake for me. It was really good times.
Now it's T minus whatever until Friday night. Gonna love seeing Brad, Darius, and Jerrod on stage. I'm gonna be holding my baby tight and dancing into the night!
Now it's T minus whatever until Friday night. Gonna love seeing Brad, Darius, and Jerrod on stage. I'm gonna be holding my baby tight and dancing into the night!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
You can find anything on the internet
Seriously. You can find anything on the internet. I just set up a little advertisement on craigslist for x86computing (you can find that advertisement here (shameless self-promotion). I was minding my own business, learning a little more about what craigslist had to offer when I stumbled across something that was most mind boggling: Lightsaber Lessons! Seriously. What, you don't believe me? Here, Lightsaber Lessons! He mentions to call him between anytime. I suggest we all do that. Call him at 3 in the morning (USA East Coast time, just in case anyone was wondering) and demand our free lightsaber lesson.
Currently Playing: Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On
Currently Playing: Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Songs of the Week: January 28, 2011
What's happening guys. It's that time of the week again. I tell you what I've been listening to. Which isn't really fair, because you guys haven't been telling me what you have been listening to. So make sure you tell me what you are listening to. I love me some new music. Anyways, here are my songs of the week for this week:
Pearl Jam - Better Man
Rockapella - Where In the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Smile Empty Soul - Nowhere Kids
Ki: Theory - No One Gets Hurt
Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On
Ray William Johnson - My Balls
There you go, songs on the week! Let me know what you are listening to in the comment section below!
Currently Playing: Pearl Jam - Better Man
Pearl Jam - Better Man
Rockapella - Where In the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Smile Empty Soul - Nowhere Kids
Ki: Theory - No One Gets Hurt
Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On
Ray William Johnson - My Balls
There you go, songs on the week! Let me know what you are listening to in the comment section below!
Currently Playing: Pearl Jam - Better Man
Friday, January 21, 2011
Songs of the Week: January 21, 2001
Things are a little different this week. I was advised by a co-worker to listen to Go Cops (see below). On the way home that night, Pandora thought it would be a good idea to throw in some Don't Be A Playa, Haiti (see below). Both songs are amusing, but somewhat offensive. If you aren't an equal opportunity offender, like I am, please shy away from clicking the link. But this first one's not too bad ;):
Tripod - Suicide Bomber
Rucka RuckaAli - Don't Be A Playa, Haiti
Rucka RuckaAli - Go Cops
So tell me what have you guys been listening to this week? I hope you enjoy!
Tripod - Suicide Bomber
Rucka RuckaAli - Don't Be A Playa, Haiti
Rucka RuckaAli - Go Cops
So tell me what have you guys been listening to this week? I hope you enjoy!
Check it out: x86computing
As a service to the public, I have decided to create a blog that will show off some of the cooler things in the IT world. Go check it out:
If you know something you would like to add, feel free to email me at:
If you know something you would like to add, feel free to email me at:
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Crazy NFLs
So, it was a bad weekend for the birds in the NFL playoffs. It was also a bad weekend for the number ones in the playoffs as well. The Jets handed it to the Patriots, the Steelers showed the Ravens whose boss, Green Bay went to Atlanta and clipped the Falcon's wings, and the Bears reminded the Seahawks that they had a losing record. That being said, some interesting matchups for this upcoming weekend. The Jets go to Pittsburgh and try to maintain momentum (they've been the Colts and the Patriots, in a row) while Green Bay travels to Soldier Field in only the second playoff meeting for those two teams in written history. Try to keep up with the convulusion:

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Equals Three
So check it out, there's this guy and he has the best job in the world (well, maybe not best, but I have to think it's up there). He watches videos that are (or on the verge of) going viral, and he shows them to the world with his own artistic and sarcastic views. Check him out, I personally think he's pretty funny. The videos are humorous sometime's as well. Here's this week's video: Bird Secks
Currently Watching: =3 (Ray William Johnson) - Bird Secks
Currently Watching: =3 (Ray William Johnson) - Bird Secks
Songs of the Week: January 14, 2011
Ok, so don't hate me. I am a couple days off. It happens. I do have a life and what not. But enough chit-chat. Songs of the week, I hope you enjoy.
Unfortunately, I forgot to mention one song last week. I don't know how I could have forgotten it, for it is amazing. Check it out however:
Maccabeats - Candlelight
So here we are, the songs of this week:
Wax - Stalking Your Mom
Neon Trees - Animal
Eminem, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Stat Quo, and Ca$his - Syllables
And that's about it for this week. One thing I can say for certain, I need to start listening (and finding) more music to listen to...
Currently Playing: Eminem, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Stat Quo, and Ca$his - Syllables
Unfortunately, I forgot to mention one song last week. I don't know how I could have forgotten it, for it is amazing. Check it out however:
Maccabeats - Candlelight
So here we are, the songs of this week:
Wax - Stalking Your Mom
Neon Trees - Animal
Eminem, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Stat Quo, and Ca$his - Syllables
And that's about it for this week. One thing I can say for certain, I need to start listening (and finding) more music to listen to...
Currently Playing: Eminem, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Stat Quo, and Ca$his - Syllables
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Nice Job Auburn
Props to both the Tigers and Ducks for one great championship game. Yards were gained in mounds, scores were traded back and forth, and both the defense and the offense came out ready to play. In the end, however, it was the Auburn Tigers with Heisman Trophy winner Cam Newton at the helm who managed to become the victors. A great game to watch.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
More NFL Craziness...
Wow, the eagles really blew it today didn't they? Oh well, Green Bay was a tough number 6 seed and they brought their A game, or at least they're "We're gonna stop Vick game." Close game but the Packers pulled it out in the end. As for the other game, the Chiefs vs. the Ravens...really? Were you expecting any different outcome?

Make Sense?

House M.D., Help Me

By the way, props to Melwasul for the awesome picture there. I've never seen it before, but it's really neat!
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Game two, Indianapolis vs. the Jets, started off as a defensive struggle. Both offenses started to the move the ball a little, but in the end some questionable coaching calls limited Manning and the Indy offense, having to settle for a field goal to make it 16-14. Forty some odd seconds and a great kick off return was all the Jets needed to march down field and kick the ball through the uprights for the 17-16 win over the Colts. No Manning in the superbowl this year.

So we look forward to wildcard Sunday. What craziness is left in this season? I'm looking forward to every game.
Currently Playing: Absolutely Nothing
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Well, maybe not LEGENDARY! But awful close. Somehow I missed this (and I don't know how, I am a huge comic book geek and comic book movie geek). Green Lantern starring Ryan Reynolds will be here sooooooonnn...
Check it out! Green Lantern
Currently Watching: The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
Check it out! Green Lantern
Currently Watching: The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
Songs of the Week: January 6, 2011
Here we go again. I've been thinking about getting something started, and here it is. My songs of the week for January 6, 2011. However, I don't have much to offer this week. A couple of songs. Enjoy them. Give them a listen:
DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2010 (Don't Stop the Pop)
Skillz - Rap Up 2010
And Just because I've been playing an enormous amount of Mario Kart Wii here lately (thank you Dlo, :-* ), enjoy this:
Remy Munasifi - Mario Kart Rap
I hope you guys enjoy these songs as much as I did.
Currently Playing: Remy Munasifi - Mario Kart Rap
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