Sorry about missing last week. I had a few computer issues that I had to take care of. But, I'm back on the horse and it's time to hit you with the songs of the week!
- Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Restaurant Massacree Big props to Amelio, my college roommate, for introducing to me this Thanksgiving classic many, many moons ago.
- Adam Sandler - Thanksgiving Song
- Queen - Killer Queen This song is just awesome. I only caught the tail end of it on Thanksgiving Day when I had to go out and get some necessities. I immediately came home and listened to it. Three times. At least...
- Fleetwood Mac - Landslide (Live) and The Dixie Chicks - Landslide Funny story here. I've heard a lot of weird things on the radio. I've heard the same song on different stations at the same time, I've heard artists played back to back on the same radio station, and I've even heard the same song played over and over and over (for almost four hours straight, that was interesting). But I've never heard the same song played back to back by different artists...until Thursday. I'm not entirely sure if the DJ knew what he was doing, because he said something to the likes of "...hope you are having a happy Thanksgiving, here's Landslide by The Dixie Chicks.." There's a first for everything...
I certainly hope everyone had (or will have) a wonderful Thanksgiving. And here's hoping there's plenty of leftovers to make it through the weekend. As always, if you have a song feel free to leave a comment here, on facebook, or on twitter @clubbprez.
Currently Watching: ncaa football/wahoos @ hokies