I had the opportunity to see my first lunar eclipse last night first hand. It was pretty awesome, even though it was at 5:15 in the morning. I also had the delight of sharing this experience with my daughter, who reveled in it so. Nature is really an awesome power to bear witness to at times, and I was very glad I was able to share this experience with her. I also woke my son up earlier than normal so he could see the "red moon" as well. He wasn't as enthusiastic about the experience as his sister. Perhaps it was because I had to wake him up (pch had been up since almost 1:30 for reasons unbeknownst to me) or perhaps his genuinely was unimpressed with it. If so, I guess I can't blame him. When you talk about a red moon, kids expect rudolph the red nosed, red crayon from the 8 count box, Coca-Cola red. Instead, they were treated to a very copperish color. We also live in a fairly large city, so the amount of lights around the town didn't help the situation at all. The timing also played part in not he grandest of stages for seeing a red moon. The moon had sat before the eclipse was over. Which is unfortunate, but still pretty awesome all the same. We humans will be treated to 4 of these eclipses in a row over a two year time period. Half-way through ladies and gentlemen. The next lunar eclipse won't be until April 4, 2015. Add that to your calendars! Until then, we can look forward to a partial solar eclipse (and it's only two weeks away). Be sure to go outside and check it out on October 23, 2014!